Innovative Solutions to the Hardening of the Wildfire Insurance Marketplace

As building development continues to expand in the wildland urban interface (WUI) and the prevalence and intensity of wildfires increase, property owners will need innovative and effective solutions to make their properties insurable.

WTS has partnered with Wildfire Defense Insurance Services (WDIS) to offer a pathway to a variety of more competitive, high quality insurance products. Working with the teams at WTS and WDIS, you can rest assured your property will have every opportunity to reduce wildfire risk and increase survivability, and insurability.

WTS Pathway to a Competitive Insurance Marketplace

Many insurance companies utilize risk scores that do not credit property-specific features and improvements that may lead to reduced risk. Moderate to high-risk properties can increase the survivability rate when property owners implement engineering controls, mitigation for site-specific property conditions, and periodic reinspections.

  • Before stepping foot on the property, WTS applies our proprietary wildfire risk model to leverage machine learning that analyzes the wildfire hazard and severity on multiple scales to assign a risk score based on wildfire science.

  • The WTS Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Report provides clear recommendations that will reduce the property’s wildfire risk and improve structure survivability, and explain how the recommended mitigation actions will reduce the property’s risk score to increase eligibility for insurance.

  • WTS consulting services will provide a reassessment of the property once the recommended mitigations are performed with the goal of creating eligibility for higher quality insurance products.